Sunrise Surprise Proposal // Brooklyn Bridge // Emmauelle & Julien

Serendipity – if we had to choose one word to describe this Sunrise Surprise Proposal shoot and where else better for it to occur than in the city of serendipity itself, New York City. By definition it means ‘the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way’ – thats what it was like meeting Julien and Emmauelle. The Serendipity commenced through instagram where we first made contact with Julien to arrange a couples shoot, but as we got chatting things started to transpire that Julien was in fact in New York with Emmauelle with the intention of proposing to her. As you can imagine, we were SUPER excited about this and so started planning. On our last morning in NYC we met up with them both at sunrise on Brooklyn Bridge – the light was insane, the location was insane and the icing on the cake was when Julien knelt down on one knee and popped out the ring. It was such an incredible moment to witness and so see every emotion flow through Em’s face on camera – the pure joy and lots of happy tears.

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